Let users experience interactive stories (images, video and audio) in which they are in the drivers seat.

Strategy activation, onboarding, events, learning programs, games, employer branding

Costs: € 5000

Spark team conversations where the spinning wheel randomises your subjects & questions to different teammembers.

Strategy activation, onboarding, events, learning programs, debriefing, employer branding

Costs: € 2000 for 3 months, € 3800 for 12 months

Get to know each other via a custom Dixit like card game. What is a characteristic of yours and which card depicts it best?

Introductions, onboarding, teambuilding, events, programs

Costs: € 4950

Let employees send customised ecards with your call to actions. Activate all kinds of topics and let the marketing do itself

Strategy activation, onboarding, events, learning programs

Costs: € 5000 for 12 months without SSO,  € 7000 for 12 months with SSO

Activate daily with bitesize content such as quotes, questions, polls, video or audio. For phone and PC via a link or QR code.

Strategy activation, onboarding, events, learning programs

Costs: € 4000 for 12 months without SSO, € 6000 with SSO

A physicall game where teams can experiment and reflect on personal leadership and team development

Teambuilding, events, programs

Costs: € 4950